Tip Refinement鼻頭調整 Rhinoplasty by autogenous Rib cartilage, alar reduction, paranasal augmentation by diced cartilage 2025-01月份隆鼻鼻整形案例:自體肋骨鼻整形、貴族手術、縮鼻翼 2025/01/05 unnature tip correction, columella lining exposure correction 2024-12月份隆鼻鼻整形案例: 過尖不自然之鼻頭調整 2025/01/05 primary rhinoplasty by Septal cartilage, ear cartilage and I shaped implant 2024-11月份隆鼻鼻整形案例: 初鼻8年追蹤!!! 2024/12/21 二次鼻整形手術(Goretex, PCL, Septum, Ear Cartilage) paranasal augmentation by Medpor 2024-09月份隆鼻鼻整形案例: 二次Goretex鼻整形,貴族手術 2024/10/10 - - 手術效果因人而異,上圖為該案例實際術後成效 - - Goretex鼻整形,下巴手術,貴族手術 ( primary rhinoplasty(Goretex) Genioplasty (Medpor), paranasal augmentation (Medpor) 2024-08月份隆鼻鼻整形案例: Goretex鼻整形,下巴手術,貴族手術 2024/10/10 Secondary rhinoplasty by autogenous costal cartilage, paranasal augmentation by diced cartilage and alar reduction 2024-07月份隆鼻鼻整形案例:自體肋骨二次鼻整形、貴族手術、縮鼻翼 2024/07/09 Secondary rhinoplasty by Rib, diced cartilage for paranasal augmentation, genioplasty by Medpor 2024-06月份隆鼻鼻整形案例:自體肋骨二次鼻整形,下巴手術,貴族手術、縮鼻翼 2024/06/16 自體肋骨二次鼻整形,短鼻調整 Autogenous costal cartilage secondary rhinoplasty, short nose correction 2024-05月份隆鼻鼻整形案例:自體肋骨二次鼻整形,短鼻調整 2024/05/19 - - 手術效果因人而異,上圖為該案例實際術後成效 - - 自體肋骨二次鼻整形 Autogenous costal cartilage secondary rhinoplasty, short nose correction 2024-05月份隆鼻鼻整形案例:自體肋骨二次鼻整形 2024/05/12 自體肋骨二次鼻整形,短鼻調整 Autogenous costal cartilage secondary rhinoplasty, short nose correction 2024-04月份隆鼻鼻整形案例:自體肋骨二次鼻整形,短鼻調整 2024/05/12 - - 手術效果因人而異,上圖為該案例實際術後成效 - -