Alar Reduction縮鼻翼 2021-7月份隆鼻鼻整形案例:鼻孔外露、鼻頭鼻樑低矮、鼻翼寬大、短鼻 2021-7月份隆鼻鼻整形案例:鼻孔外露、鼻頭鼻樑低矮、鼻翼寬大、短鼻 2021/08/10 鼻中隔斷裂凹陷導致馬鞍形變形(Septal rupture and saddle nose correction ) 外傷鼻中隔斷裂凹陷導致馬鞍形變形(Septal rupture and saddle nose ) 2021/05/11 厚皮膚、寬大鼻翼、短鼻之調整(Short nose, wide ala, bulbous tip correction) 厚皮膚、寬大鼻翼、短鼻之調整(Short nose, wide ala, bulbous tip) 2021/05/11 鼻孔外露、鼻頭鼻樑低矮、鼻翼寬大、短鼻調整 primary rhinoplasty and Alar reduction (short nose, flare and wide ala, flat nose correction) 2021-1月份隆鼻鼻整形案例:鼻孔外露、鼻頭鼻樑低矮、鼻翼寬大、短鼻 2021/01/14 - - 手術效果因人而異,上圖為該案例實際術後成效 - - 2020-08月份隆鼻鼻整形案例:鼻頭調整、鼻樑增高、縮鼻翼 2020-08月份隆鼻鼻整形案例:鼻頭調整、鼻樑增高、縮鼻翼 2020/08/26 三段式隆鼻、縮鼻翼(Alar reduction and 3-segmental Rhinoplasty) 三段式隆鼻、縮鼻翼 2019/08/12 男性鼻整形之精緻化調整(Refinement in Male Rhinoplasty) 男性鼻整形之精緻化調整(Refinement in Male Rhinoplasty) 2018/12/06 鼻頭鼻翼變形不對稱之調整( asymmetrical tip correction ) 鼻頭鼻翼變形不對稱之調整( asymmetrical tip correction ) 2018/07/30 - - 手術效果因人而異,上圖為該案例實際術後成效 - -