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狂賀!蕭彥彰醫師於2021年七月晉升 長庚醫院教授!!!! 2021-08-10

蕭彥彰醫師因為學術上的成就晉升教授,這是在病毒肆虐的亂世中,捎來了一個好消息。要將這喜訊獻給在天國裡蕭醫師最敬愛的老師,世界上最偉大的鼻整形家 Dr. Gary Burget(1941-May 2017) 。沒有他的教誨,蕭醫師無法在鼻整形重建的領域中鑽研。也感謝一路走來許許多多的病患,沒有在治療他們的經驗下,發現問題、想要解決問題,就沒有許多的創新發展。學無止盡,教授不是個終點而是個起點,將持續地在鼻整形重建的路上謙卑努力向前。
For being promoted as Professor this year, I want to share this honor to the Late Mentor, the greatest rhinoplasty master, Dr. Gary Burget. (1941-May 2017) I can not achieve this promotion without his guidence and education.
I also want to show my gratitude to all mentors in Chang Gung Memorial Hospital. Thanks for Professor Yu-Ray Chen. Professor Fu-Chan Wei , Professor Chien-Tzung Chen, Professor Kai-Ping Chang , Professor Cheng-Jen Chang fully support. Finally, I would like to thank Dr. Cheng-I Yen for taking all the toughest work to bring up my achievements.

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